Monday, June 11, 2007

Picture Time

This is a picture of our self-steering device keeping us on track while we sail away from Manly Harbor.

We are currently anchored near Scarborough, just north of Manly, still a suburb of Brisbane (we move slow). We spent the last few nights on different islands in Moreton Bay.

Our friends Frank and Jane gave us a warm farewell from the dock.

Our almost completed bimini is great for shade in the cockpit and increases the amount of rainwater we can catch.

Craig and I as we sailed to our first anchorage.

Dave completes odd jobs while we sail.

We arrived at Peel island, a former leper colony, before the sun set.
This is Peel Island in the distance off of Maia's bow.

The next day we inflated the dingy (little boat) and came to shore for a walk.
The plants and bugs are really interesting. We are looking for a good book to help us identify all of the strange varieties. Also on this walk we saw two kangaroos hopping away from us. One stared at us from a distance for a while. We also saw (we think) a wallaby with a baby in the pouch. Unfortunately - no pictures. The roos are too fast and don't like to get close enough for portraits.

Dave found a ruined building that looks like it might have been used as a jail.
After a few nights at Peel Island we moved on to St. Helena Island (actually closer to Manly but on the way North). This island was a prison and one of the first settlements in Australia. Now it is a National Park. Unfortunately, because the lawns are so well watered, the mosquito's are thick. We did spot a couple of kangaroos before we scurried back to our boat.
This is Craig tying up the dingy at St. Helena.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
It's so great to see you!! Looks like you're have a terrific adventure with Craig & Evvy. Thanks for keeping the family posted and letting us enjoy your travels vicariously. Love to see you at the end of your adventure!
Love- Aunt Carol, Chris & Megan(Chris's fiance)